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Compared with the previous generation, where has the new generation of TCM873 traffic flow radar been upgraded?

Nanoradar Luchang Series TCM873 Traffic Flow Radar Heavy Release

Compared to the previous generation MR76S

What have been upgraded?

Let's take a look!

First, more powerful performance

1、longer detection distance: the stable detection distance is 500m, which is 40% higher than the previous generation.
2、Higher accuracy: 0.25 m ranging accuracy, 2 times higher than the previous generation 

3、Higher capture rate: 50% + improvement over previous generation at 250 m
4、wider range of speed measurement: -300-300km/H, 50% higher than the previous generation
5、More lanes covered by 10 lanes covered, 60% more than the previous generation

Second, the function is richer.

1、PTP timing function is added to ensure time synchronization between radar and camera.

2、New GPS function: The world coordinates of the radar can be imported into the high-precision map with one key to facilitate the visual management of the equipment by the customer.、

3、 to enhance the virtual configuration function: configure more road functions (channelization, green belt, live mouth), simulate the real scene, close to the actual application

Third, the application is simpler.

1、provides Web service: the user can debug the radar and view the target information data directly through the Web browser without installing the upper computer software, which is plug-and-play and convenient to operate; It is compatible with multiple platforms, supports the access of different platforms and operating systems, and can access the Web interface of radar equipment as long as there is a browser, which is more convenient to use and has wider service coverage.

2、Newly added horizontal column design : the horizontal column can assist in calibrating and adjusting the installation angle of the radar to ensure horizontal installation
New aiming notch design: The aiming notch can assist the calibration to adjust the horizontal angle of the radar to ensure that it can accurately aim at the road and cover the required detection area.

Fourth, the application scenarios are more abundant.
Increase the application of high-speed and tunnel scenes

TCM873 can monitor the traffic flow information of expressways and tunnels all day and all weather, provide real-time traffic data support for traffic control departments, help management departments to timely understand the traffic conditions of road sections, predict traffic congestion, optimize organization and dispatch, and alleviate traffic pressure.