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Compared with the previous generation, where has the new generation of SAC263 security radar been upgraded?

Nanoradar Boundary Shield Series SAC263 New Generation Security Radar Heavy Release
Compared to previous generation NSR300W
What have been upgraded?

Let's take a look!

First, more powerful performance
 1、 Has a longer detection distance: the pedestrian detection distance is 1200 m, which is increased by 1 + compared with the previous generation, and the probe vehicle detection distance is 1500 m, which is increased by 1 + compared with the previous generation
2、Higher accuracy: ranging accuracy up to ± 0.5m, up 30% + compared to the previous generation
3、Detect more targets: Support simultaneous detection of 128 targets, 3 times more than the previous generation
4、Higher angular resolution: 6 °, double the previous generation +

Second, the function is richer
1、New GPS/Beidou function: The world coordinates of the radar can be imported into the high-precision map with one key, which is convenient for customers to carry out visual management of the equipment.

2、New anti-blocking function: effectively prevent malicious shielding of radar detection behavior

3、New anti-demolition function: built-in alarm system to prevent malicious demolition of radar equipment
4、New hibernation silence management function: support custom hibernation silence period, effectively reduce power consumption by 70% during silence

Third, the application is simpler
1、Direct control of light system: The radar system can directly control the rotation and zoom of dome cameras, and support the integration with mainstream 10 + brand dome cameras such as Haikang, Dahua, Yushi, Keda and Jingyang, because of the Thunderball linkage, the user does not need to install the upper computer software.

 2、 Supports adaptive calibration: it can automatically sense the pitch, course and roll installation angles of the equipment through the attitude sensor, without manual calibration by the user

3、One-key adaptation of intelligent scenes: For different scenes such as rainy days, sunny days and bridges, the radar system can realize one-key intelligent switching, automatically adjust the algorithm parameters, accurately match the needs of each scene, and greatly reduce the false alarm rate.

Fourth, the application scenarios are more abundant
Scenes of border and coastal defense, aquaculture, oil fields and photovoltaic power stations are added to provide security protection for wide-area sites.