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Liu Gaoqiang, Vice President of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, and His Delegation Visited Nanoradar Science and Technology

On the morning of April 30, 2024, Vice President Liu Gaoqiang of Central South University of Forestry and Technology led a group of staff from the School of Computer and Mathematics and the Recruitment and Employment Department of the University to visit Nanoradar Science and Technology to carry out the activities of "visiting enterprises and expanding posts" and school-enterprise cooperation research and discussion. Yi Xiaofei, Vice General Manager of the Group, Zhou Kunming, General Manager of Nanoradar Science and Technology, and Liang Jingyue, Director of R & D Department, accompanied the researchers to visit the company's exhibition hall and conduct discussions and exchanges.

The two sides discussed in depth the topics of enterprise development, project cooperation and joint training of talents.

In the company's exhibition hall, Yi Xiaofei and Zhou Kunming introduced the company's business philosophy, core technology, innovative achievements, innovative products and market situation to the school leaders. The school leaders highly appreciated the current achievements of Nanoradar Technology in the radar industry, the advanced nature of products and technologies, and conducted in-depth exchanges.

At the symposium held in the company's conference room, Yi Xiaofei first extended a warm welcome to Vice President Liu Gaoqiang and his delegation, and expressed heartfelt thanks to them for their guidance and exchanges with the company. Zhou Kunming then introduced the core products, industry influence and future development direction of Nanoradar Technology to the school in detail.

Zhou Kunming mentioned in particular that Nanoradar Technologies is actively exploring the application of large models in software code development to improve efficiency, and expects the school to provide professional guidance in this field. At the same time, the two sides also conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the application of radar technology in the protection of key forestry areas, intelligent perception of forest and grass industry, radar vision fusion and artificial intelligence.

Liang Jingyue, Director of Nanoradar Science and Technology Research and Development Department, expressed his deep gratitude to the school for its support in personnel training, and hoped to further strengthen school-enterprise cooperation in the future so as to make the school's personnel training more synchronous with the enterprise's personnel needs, and also mentioned that he hoped that the two sides would explore the frontier technology of radar and jointly train talents. In order to jointly promote related technological innovation and industrial development.

In the company's conference room, Vice President Liu Gaoqiang first introduced the school's characteristics, enrollment and teaching achievements in recent years, and then Li Jianlin, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Computer and Mathematics, and Li Jianjun, Vice President of the School of Computer and Mathematics, introduced in detail the advantages of the School of Computer and Mathematics in signal processing, computer and artificial intelligence. It also emphasizes the high degree of compatibility between these areas and Nanoradar technology products and technologies. Subsequently, the two sides conducted in-depth discussions on graduate employment, personnel training, subject cooperation and other aspects of cooperation.

This exchange and discussion not only promoted the understanding and contact between the school and Nanoradar Science and Technology, but also provided new ideas and directions for the two sides to build a platform for school-enterprise cooperation, jointly train talents, carry out research projects and transform achievements in the future. The two sides indicated that they would further develop their respective advantages in the future, further cooperate around artificial intelligence sensors, millimeter wave radar technology and personnel training, jointly build a research and innovation platform for millimeter wave radar and a professional training base, and promote the development of innovative technologies such as millimeter wave radar and artificial intelligence.